Creating sustainable impact with renewable energy.
Working alongside businesses, local authorities, public services and institutions, we achieve scale and efficiency by taking a holistic approach.
Assessing and measuring sustainable impact.
We have a mix of energy solutions that we tailor to different industries, but the way we measure success and impact is the same. Our definition of sustainable energy impact relates to two specific measures:
Greenhouse gas reduction
Increase in renewable energy production
Other criteria that set out how we calculate the financial and environmental impact of investments in green energy and green energy projects include:
- Energy efficiency gain
- Innovation and know-how transfer

How we generate real impact.
Our purchasing and collaboration decisions indirectly influence energy consumption, so we collaborate with organisations that are aligned with our values and committed to making a positive difference.
We continuously grow our community of changemakers advancing the transition to green energy.
A successful energy transition requires a holistic implementation, so the impact of our actions can be accounted for in all our areas of operation.
The energy transition is a global challenge that drives us to keep moving forward to find new ways to make it possible and to continue to grow and improve.
Highlights 2023
tonnes of CO2
savings made possible by replacing natural gas with 540 GWh of biomethane.
rooftop PV-systems have been put into operation in Switzerland, Germany and Spain. We identified further economically beneficial projects of >80 MWp.
1 GWp
Almost 300 000 households can be supplied with electricity from the installations that Renera is developing in Italy, Germany and Romania.
new energy change-makers
have joined us in 2023. This means that over 200 people now work at Renera.
Our success factors for the energy transition.
At Renera, we are helping to implement the energy transition quickly, efficiently and profitably. We continue to ensure that our positive impact grows across Europe.
- Thanks to many years of continuous work by our development and consulting teams, we have succeeded in gaining the trust of key investors and major international players in the financial and energy sectors.
- Some of our development projects for ground-mounted solar power plants and battery storage systems are expected to reach “ready to build” status in 2024. This proof of concept will open up new opportunities for us.
- The most important success factor continues to be our “energy change-makers,” i.e. our talented employees. A 2023 survey revealed a high level of employee satisfaction. A very high proportion of our change-makers also clearly identify with our company and its goals and values.